系外行星全球命名比賽 2022 – 本地評審結果已呈交 IAU

系外行星全球命名比賽 2022
本地評審結果已呈交 IAU

2023年1月中,本地評審團審議了由 IAU 發送來的 7份有效的香港命名提案,按照 IAU 的評審指引和命名規則,詳細考慮各提案的獨特性、認受性、文化和歷史的傳承、命名主題繼續廷伸至日後新發現系外行星的可行性等等因素後,一致選出下列代表香港的命名提案,並已呈交 IAU 供國際評審團作全球評審。IAU 將於2023年3月底公佈全球最終評選結果。

The Selection Panel met in mid-January 2023 to critically assess the 7 valid naming proposals received from the IAU.  Having regard to the local popularity of the proposals, their uniqueness and possible extension of the naming system should more exoworlds be discovered in the exoplanetary system in the future, the Panel unanimously selected the following naming proposals to represent Hong Kong. The selected proposals have been submitted to IAU for their necessary action.

Selected Proposals for Hong Kong   香港評選結果

Selected Proposal 正選提案
Exoplanetary system : LHS 3844 / LHS 3844b
Host Star : ChaSiuBaau
Exoplanet : BoLoBaau

Back-up Proposal 1  後備提案 1
Exoplanetary system : WASP-19 / WASP-19b
Host Star : Loting
Exoplanet : Tankas

Back-up Proposal 2  後備提案 2
Exoplanetary system : WD 0806-661 / WD 0806-661b
Host Star : horseshoecrab
Exoplanet : sousachinensis